David Hartman, Founder

David specializes in expert evaluation, smart change making, and high-stakes decisions based on evidence. He spent over 10 years as the Managing Director of Accountability and Authorizer Supports with SchoolWorks. He served the Minnesota Department of Education, where he led the design and implementation of the nation’s first high-stakes charter school authorizer performance evaluation. Notable engagements include leading and developing statewide charter school authorizer evaluations in Ohio and Tennessee, turnaround of an alternative high school, strategic planning for a state association, and numerous school reviews. In addition, David has taught in high schools and universities.

  • Saint John’s University - B.A. Social Science

  • Teachers College–Columbia University - M.S. Education Policy


Venn Education draws from a deep network of talented individuals with experience in educational programming, school leadership, organizational effectiveness, and school finance. Every Venn team is driven to achieve client objectives through curiosity, respect, and clear communication.

What Venn brings

  • Over twenty five years experience in public education.

  • Astute design of standardized, evidence-based evaluation processes.

  • Accomplished management and facilitation of organizational change using effective communication, adaptive to varied audiences.

  • People-centric leadership, deft at forging and maintaining collaborative relationships with notable state agencies, wide-ranging school districts and networks in 20+ states.